Our software division offers a number of fabrication and construction related products including:

Digital Twin technology that brings GIS, CAD, BIM, Point Clouds and other 2D/3D data together, 3D software for structural steel detailing, 2D software for floor plans, fabrication management, bar coding, remote access. Even software for more accurate estimates on erection of steel building. Our software specialists are here to help you. Contact us for free consultant.

The world's No. 1 MRP software for the stuctural steel fabrication industry. StruMIS features a remote (phone or tablet) interface and has its own bar-coding system. StruMIS integrates with more industry partners, front and rear end than any other MRP software.

The most popular dstv file viewer in the world

3D Graphical interface

Automatic plate skewing

Interactive nest viewing with machine integration

Part development

Steel Erection Bid Wizard

Project Management Wizard

Metal Building Bid Wizard

Nextspace, New Zealand have two products:- XMpLant is a data interchange tool with interfaces to major plant and process design systems and Bruce, Digital twin software to transcend maps to a powerful new multidimensional data navigation concept. Bruce, provides a modern digital version of the “Method of Loci” or "A Memory Palace” making this concept of visual data navigation and “Thing Management” available to everyone.

XMpLant seamlessly integrates with Bruce to create a living, breathing complete model of your plant that can include media and live data feeds from SCADA and sensors to provide a 3D dashboard of not just one, but multiple facilities in a single web-based user interface.